Friday, March 31, 2006

From Fighting to Friends...

A little lesson
Originally uploaded by yojasonsparks.
It was a little rough in the beginning when we got Byco... Byco seemed to really want to play with Micio, but Micio didn’t seem to get it :)

Micio is a strange creature, though; he is a little particular about his personal space even with my wife and me. You only seem to be allowed into his personal space when he comes into yours :)

Almost Loving Originally uploaded by yojasonsparks.
But look at them now! I think the order of events was: 1. Micio falls asleep, 2. Byco comes and snuggles up close and falls asleep without Micio noticing :)

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Byco in Action?

Byco in Action?
Originally uploaded by yojasonsparks.
This is my attempt at stop action photography :)

It is Byco playing with his favorite toy; a plastic sports bottle-top on the end of a string, custom made by your's truly :)

I see these amazing action shots on Flickr and I wanted to take a shot at it. Well I guess it is far beyond both my camera's and my own capabilities...

At least byco looks fierce in the pic :)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Disgruntled Micio

Disgruntled Micio
Originally uploaded by yojasonsparks.
Please make him stop taking these pictures of me :(

Watering hole

Bad Byco 1
Originally uploaded by yojasonsparks.
This is why I have to be careful not to drink out of glasses with little droplets of water around them :)

I provide every source of water a cat could possibly want... I even got them a drinking fountain! But, no, he needs to drink my water ;)

Bad Byco 2
Originally uploaded by yojasonsparks.


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